Your trainer and assessor files (Part 2 of 5)
In the last newsletter (published in November 2018) we discussed the following:
Legislative and regulatory requirements
Requirements for all trainers and assessors
Trainer CVs
In part 2 of the series, we will discuss the vocational competency requirements.
The quality of your training and assessment is dependent on the skills and knowledge of your trainers and assessors. The Standards specify that trainers and assessors must be skilled VET practitioners with current industry skills and knowledge. This will ensure that students receive the training required and are properly assessed before being issued with a qualification or statement of attainment.
Let's start with the vocational competency requirements for trainers and assessors.
The definition of vocational competency
Vocational competency in a particular industry consists of broad industry knowledge and experience, usually combined with a relevant industry qualification. A person who has vocational competency will be familiar with the content of the vocation and will have relevant current experience in the industry. Vocational competencies must be considered on an industry-by-industry basis and with reference to the guidance provided in the assessment guidelines of the relevant training package. (Reference: NCVER)
A clear and verified relationship between the trainer’s and assessor’s formal and informal training and experience and the qualifications/units they deliver and assess must be established. Training Packages include specific industry advice related to the vocational competencies of assessors. This may include advice on relevant industry qualifications and experience required for assessing against the Training Package. The Training Package will also provide specific industry advice outlining what it sees as acceptable forms of evidence to demonstrate the maintenance of currency of vocational competency.
ASQA Guidelines on “vocational competence”:
To provide training that reflects current industry practice and valid assessment, your RTO’s trainers and assessors must maintain the currency of their skills and knowledge in both:
their industry area and,
vocational education and training.
It is also acceptable for an appropriately qualified trainer and assessor to work with an industry expert to conduct assessment together.
The three C’s of Vocational competency related to demonstrating skills and knowledge in an “industry area”
Vocational competence and currency = Broad industry knowledge + experience + relevant industry qualification in terms of:
Content: How have you determined that you know how to do the job of the qualifications you deliver and assess?
Context: Does this information clearly show the relationship between what you are delivering and what you have experience in?
Currency: How up-to-date are you with current work practices in your industry and how do you find out if something is changing or has changed?
Skills and knowledge in an “industry area”
In many situations, trainers and assessors will hold the qualification and/or units of competency that they deliver or assess. Where this is not the case equivalence needs to be established.
Formal vocational education and training qualification/units of competency you deliver and assess
Participate in documented mapping activities to demonstrate you have at least the required level of knowledge and skills.
Stay tuned for more… upcoming newsletters we will cover the following topics:
Part 3: Industry currency, vocational education and training currency, licensing requirements and professional development requirements and trainer files checklists.
Part 4: How to complete a compliant trainer matrix
Part 5: Common errors and non-compliance identified in the trainer and assessor files.
Special edition on frequently asked questions and answers on trainer files.